
Latest version.
  • The words, terms or phrases listed below shall, for the purpose of this section, be defined and interpreted as follows:
    Any person, persons, partnership, association or corporation who makes application for a permit.
    The Borough of Ramsey, Bergen County, New Jersey.
    Any unforeseen and unexpected circumstance or occurrence which causes a clear and immediate danger to persons or damage to property and which requires immediate opening or repair.
    The licensed professional engineer duly appointed as Borough Engineer, or the Engineer's authorized deputy, representative or inspector.
    Any excavation, removal, repair, construction, reconstruction, drilling or tunneling within the rights-of-way of roads or easements owned, regulated and within the responsibility of the Borough, and including excavation, drilling or cutting through pavement, curbs, gutters, drainage facilities, sidewalks, shoulders, embankments, utility lines or structures. Test holes of small diameter, whether drilled, driven or cut, are to be considered openings, except that one application, one permit and one fee will apply to a series or group of such test holes.
    Any applicant, as defined above, who has been issued a permit and is obligated to fulfill all terms and conditions of this section.
    Any natural person or persons, owner, partnership, firm, association, utility, corporation or properly constituted authority, and shall include for purposes of this section the developer, applicant, agent, contractor, engineer or other person representing such person.
    This is a general term and is a roadway, alley, highway, easement or right-of-way, improved or unimproved, over which there is a public right of passage.
    Surfacing not exceeding 60 days in duration.
    That portion of a road which, when constructed, is intended to accommodate vehicular passage or travel.
    Any road whose traveled way is surfaced with cinders, dirt, gravel or stone without bituminous or cement binder; any road that may exist within an approved major subdivision but which is not yet accepted for ownership, maintenance or legal jurisdiction by the Borough.