Required conditions.  

Latest version.
  • a. 
    [Amended 6-27-2007 by Ord. No. 19-2007]
    No building shall exceed a maximum of three stories or 35 feet in height, whichever is the lesser.
    Parapets may extend up to two feet above the maximum building height as set forth above and may extend around all sides of the building.
    A turret shall be limited in size to 20% of the length of the wall on which the turret shall be placed in a continuous manner. Turrets shall be limited to no more than two sides of the building. The height of a turret may exceed the height of a parapet by no more than two feet.
    [Amended 3-9-2011 by Ord. No. 05-2011]
    Front yard. There shall be a front yard of not less than 40 feet. Corner lots in this zone shall meet 1/2 the front yard setback requirements on the side street.
    Side yard. There shall be two side yards and no side yard shall be less than 25 feet. Parking as required may be permitted in the side yard, provided no parking area is closer than 10 feet to any building excepting residential buildings nor 10 feet to any side property line. Adjoining a residence zone boundary line, the minimum parking lot separation shall be 75 feet and such separation area shall constitute a buffer zone.
    Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard of at least 100 feet. The rear yard may be used for off-street parking, provided, however, no parking area shall be nearer than 10 feet to any building excepting residential buildings or 10 feet to any nonresidential property line, or 100 feet from any residence zone boundary line. The aforesaid separation area between the parking area and any adjoining residence zone boundary line shall constitute a buffer zone.
    Landscaping. Those portions of all front, rear and side yards that are not used for off-street parking shall be attractively planted with trees, shrubs, plants and grass lawns, as required by the Planning Board and Shade Tree Commission.
    Maximum bulk of buildings. The total floor area of all structures on a lot shall not exceed 40% of the area of the lot.
    Zone district boundary line restrictions. No structure or parking area shall be constructed within this zone which shall be nearer than 100 feet from any residence zone district boundary or from any municipal boundary line.
    Minimum lot area and frontage. There shall be a minimum lot area of three acres with a minimum lot width at the front street property line of 200 feet.
    Parking areas as required shall not be permitted in the front yard, except as a special exception as herein provided. If an applicant can clearly demonstrate to the Planning Board or the Board of Adjustment that, due to exceptional shape of the specific property or due to exceptional topographic conditions or due to exceptional environmental concerns or due to other extraordinary and exceptional conditions of the land, front yard parking rather than rear or side yard parking would better promote the purpose of the zone plan and zoning ordinance and will not cause substantial detriment to the public good; then the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment shall have discretion in allowing parking to infringe on the front yard. No front yard parking area shall be nearer than 40 feet to the front property line nor 10 feet to any other property line, nor 10 feet to any building.
    Minimum open landscaped area. Minimum open landscaped area on the site shall be 45%.
Ord. No. 444; Ord. No. 468; Ord. No. 574; 1972 Code § 130.1803; Ord. No. 656 § 2; Ord. No. 745 § 1; Ord. No. 771 § 1; Ord. No. 771A § 2; Ord. No. 818 § 2; Ord. No. 841 § 4; Ord. No. 1017-A §§ 8-9; Ord. No. 1030 § 6; Ord. No. 1017-B § 3; Ord. No. 1017-C § 1