Enforcement; violations and penalties.

Latest version.
  • a. 
    A prompt investigation shall be made by the appropriate personnel of the Borough of any person or entity believed to be in violation hereof. If, upon inspection, a condition which is in violation of this section is discovered, a civil action in the Special Part of the Superior Court, or in the Superior Court, if the primary relief sought is injunctive or if penalties may exceed the jurisdictional limit of the Special Civil Part, by the filing and serving of appropriate process. Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the right of the Borough, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3A2-25, to initiate legal proceedings hereunder in Municipal Court. The violation of any section or subsection of this section shall constitute a separate and distinct offense independent of the violation of any other section or subsection, or of any order issued pursuant to this section. Each day a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.
    In addition to such penalties or proceedings as may be instituted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3A2-25, any citizen or official of the Borough of Ramsey shall be entitled to file and prosecute a complaint in the Municipal Court of the Borough of Ramsey resulting from a violation of this section. The violator shall be subject to a penalty of $1,000 per occurrence and each day that a violation shall continue or occur may subject the violator to a penalty of $1,000 per day for such continuing violation.