Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • In the B-3 Highway Commercial Districts only those uses listed below are permitted provided the intensity of operation does not exceed the limitations imposed by the performance standards hereinafter set forth in Subsection 34-33.5:
    Any use permitted in the B-1 Zone, except residential use of any kind other than single-family use, which shall be permitted. Single-family residential use shall conform to the requirements of the R-3 Zone;
    Offices for business, professional, executive or administrative purposes;
    Scientific or research laboratories;
    Selected industrial or manufacturing uses;
    Motels, hotels, tourist cabins and public swimming pools;
    Sales and service establishments for new cars, including used car sales as an accessory use to new car sales. Used car sales are not permitted as a separate use. Such new car dealerships shall be separated by a distance of at least 1,000 feet, measured from the nearest boundary line of the latter parcel of land so used. All displays of new or used cars shall only be at the sides of the dealership buildings.
    A drive-in or convenience type window shall be permitted as an accessory use to the permitted use provided there shall be a permanent canopy or portico attached to the building, covering the vehicle, and the vehicular traffic flow from such window is restricted so that there is no access to the on site parking areas and the vehicular traffic is channeled directly onto a public street. The traffic pattern for the proposed window shall be reviewed by the Planning Board and Police Department prior to the granting of approval for such window. For the purpose of this paragraph, a drive-in or convenience type window shall be deemed to be an accessory use provided that the majority of business is conducted within the confines of the building.
    Motor vehicle rental business subject to the following provisions:
    A motor vehicle rental business can be considered an accessory to another use within the B-3 Highway Commercial District where the applicant can show that it is incidental and subordinate to the main use of the premises. A motor vehicle rental business cannot be permitted as an accessory use outside of the B-3 Highway Commercial District.
    Any applicant desiring to use any premises for the purpose of operating a motor vehicle rental or leasing business shall make application in writing to the Planning Board of the Borough of Ramsey in accordance with the site plan requirements of Subsection 34-4.1 to Subsection 34-4.18.
    The Planning Board shall not order, direct or authorize the issuance of a permit to use any building, structure or premises as or for a motor vehicle rental business unless the plot plan shows the following:
    There shall be one parking space provided for each two vehicles available for rental.
    Parking spaces for automobiles shall conform to Subsection 34-6.1. The size of the parking spaces for vehicles other than automobiles shall be appropriately designed and reasonably arranged on the site plan.
    All parking storage shall be provided on site or within 1,000 feet of the principal premises of the motor vehicle rental business.
    The Planning Board may waive the parking requirements set forth here in accordance with Subsection 34-6.1.
    The site plans shall show the specific area reserved for the parking of rental motor vehicles, and this area shall be for their specific use. All parking stalls on the site plan shall be clearly dimensioned and indicate the type of vehicle to be parked within these spaces.
    The applicant shall be eligible to apply to the Borough for a temporary license to operate a motor vehicle rental business after the applicant has received site plan approval. The temporary license shall be valid for six months. The applicant shall then be governed by the provisions of Section 4-6 of this Code respecting the licensing of motor vehicles rental business.
    Car wash or convenience lubrication station, subject to the following provisions:
    The lot or portion of a lot to be used shall have direct street frontage of at least 150 feet on a state highway or county road and an average depth of at least 150 feet.
    The conditional use provision of Section 23-19, Public Garages or Service Stations, shall apply and in addition no car wash or convenience lubrication station shall be located within 300 feet of the nearest boundary line of any lot or parcel of land used or to be used for a service station, public garage, car wash, or convenience lubrication station.
    A buffer zone separation from residential zones shall be required of a minimum of 50 feet.
    Adequate provisions shall be made for stacking lanes and for parking facilities for customers and staff, without interfering with traffic patterns outside the site.
    Nursing homes provided there shall be a minimum lot area of three acres with a width of 200 feet at the front street line.
    Billboards subject to the following provisions:
    [Added 1-25-2006 by Ord. No. 3-2006; 3-14-2007 by Ord. No. 8-2007]
    There shall be a minimum lot area of two acres.
    Construction is not permitted on a lot that has a building greater than 1,500 square feet.
    Billboards may not be attached to a building.
    All setbacks and bulk requirements of the B-3 Zone must be complied with.
    The maximum height of the billboard shall be measured from the center-line grade of the road it fronts on to the top of the billboard. This height shall not exceed 35 feet.
    Maximum square footage: 400 square feet.
    There shall be no more than one billboard on a parcel; provided, however, that the billboard may be double-faced.
    No billboard shall be located within 200 feet of a residential zone district.
    Landscaping shall be required around the base of the billboard and may be required elsewhere on the lot where the billboard is located if deemed necessary by the Planning Board and the Shade Tree Commission.
    Billboards shall be designed and constructed to confine their line of sight to Route 17.
    Billboards shall utilize stealth coloring of their supporting members and framework as approved by the Planning Board.
    Site plan review shall be required for all billboard applications.
Ord. No. 443; Ord. No. 574; 1972 Code § 130.1701; Ord. No. 748 § 1; Ord. No. 824 § 1; Ord. No. 845 § 1; Ord. No. 858 § 1; Ord. No. 1012 § 5; Ord. No. 1054 § 1; Ord. No. 1098-A § 3; Ord. No. 1199 § 3; Ord. No. 33-2003 § 1